Essentials for Stress-Free Remote Work in the Philippines

Lisa Buchanan
6 min readMar 23, 2024
Sabang beach in Puerto galera, Mindoro, Philippines — Photo Created on by Author

Ah, the Philippines, land of stunning beaches, friendly faces, and… the occasional power hiccups. But before you book your ticket and dream of sipping fruity cocktails with tiny umbrellas, and endless sunscreen applications, there are a few essentials you need to consider before becoming a digital nomad in the Philippines. Fear not, fellow remote warriors, I’ll share with you my personal favorite essential items that help keep me organized and ready!

Essential packing, a breeze, right? Throw in a swimsuit, a floppy hat, and maybe a good beach read. Hold on there, sunshine seeker.

While those items might be crucial for your Instagram aesthetic, let’s face it, being a digital nomad is a bit more…complex.

Because let’s be honest, who knew reliable internet access would be the new hot commodity, or that a universal plug adapter would become your most prized possession? Buckle up, because packing for the unpredictable is what makes this remote work rodeo so hilarious (and occasionally tear-inducing).

While a sunhat, flipflops and sunglasses are needed they are NOT the essential items — Photo Created on by Author

Gadgets & Gear: Your Digital Armor

Let’s face it, your laptop is your trusty steed in this remote work adventure. But what happens when your noble charger kicks the bucket during a brownout? Enter portable chargers. A solar-powered one is a lifesaver, especially in remote locations where the power grid has scheduled and unscheduled power outages. Bonus points if it has a high enough capacity to resurrect your laptop from the dead several times over.

My solar powered chargers and emergency light when the power goes out — Photos Owned by Author

Speaking of resurrections, a spare laptop battery is your knight in shining armor. Philippine internet can be a fickle beast, and video calls have a nasty habit of draining your battery faster than a tourist at a buffet. Having a backup ensures you don’t miss that crucial presentation, even if the Wi-Fi decides to take a siesta.

Next up, the backpack. This isn’t just a bag, it’s your mobile workspace. Opt for a sturdy one with good back support — those laptops can get surprisingly heavy. Multiple compartments are a godsend for keeping your chargers, headphones, and that random pasalubong (souvenir) you just had to buy organized.

Comfort is Key: Because Nobody Likes a Grumpy Remote Worker

The Philippines is a hot and humid country. Let’s embrace this fact and avoid a meltdown (both literal and metaphorical). Pack plenty of lightweight, breathable clothing. Think cotton shirts, flowy dresses, and trusty flip-flops. Pro tip: Invest in a quick-drying towel — those beach showers will become a daily ritual.

In the Philippines, flipflops are the footwear of choice. Even on construction sites, workers are in flipflops! I wear mine almost every day (see picture below).

My super comfortable Clark’s Flipflops that I wear almost daily — Photo Owned by Author

But comfort extends beyond clothes. A good pair of noise-canceling headphones is a must. Imagine trying to concentrate on a client call while a karaoke session erupts next door (trust me, it happens). Plus, they’ll come in handy on those long bus rides where your fellow passengers seem determined to share their entire music library.

Safety First: Don’t Be a Worrywart

Here’s the thing, sickness happens. You might get a case of the “travel tummy” from indulging in a little too much street food (totally worth it, by the way). Or maybe you take a tumble while exploring a hidden waterfall (because who doesn’t love a good Instagrammable disaster?).

That’s why having travel health insurance is a non-negotiable essential. Enter stage left, SafetyWing. A travel and medical incident insurance built specifically for digital nomads. It can be purchased while already abroad, covers home trip visits and operates like a monthly subscription.

Photo created on by Author

SafetyWing is a champion in this category. Here’s why:

  • Global Coverage: Unlike some insurance plans that only cover specific regions, SafetyWing protects you pretty much everywhere in the world, including the Philippines.
  • Remote Worker Friendly: They understand the nomadic lifestyle and offer flexible plans that cater to remote workers on extended trips.
  • Easy Peasy Claims: Nobody wants to deal with complicated paperwork when they’re sick. SafetyWing boasts a user-friendly online system for submitting claims. You can now purchase insurance with a $0 deductible so your claims are covered from the get go. You can get a free quote here today.

Think of it as a magic shield that deflects medical bills and ensures you can focus on recovering and getting back to exploring the wonders of the Philippines.

Google Workspace

To help keep me organized digitally, as an online digital creator, I use G Suite by Google. G Suite offers a suite of free tools that are perfect for keeping digital nomads organized on the go. With Docs, Sheets, and Slides, you can create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from any device, all while collaborating with teammates in real-time. No matter where you’re exploring, you can access your files and stay on the same page with your projects. And the best part? These core features are completely free, allowing me to stay productive and connected without breaking the bank.

Bonus Essentials: The Secret Weapons

Here are a few additional items that might seem insignificant but can be lifesavers:

  • Universal Adapter: Philippine power outlets have a mind of their own. A universal adapter ensures you can keep your gadgets juiced up wherever you roam.
  • Water Purifier Bottle: Save money and the environment by investing in a reusable water bottle with a built-in purifier.
  • Power Bank with Built-in Flashlight: Brownouts happen, be prepared! A power bank with a flashlight will keep you connected and illuminate your path during those inevitable power outages.
  • Local SIM Card: Staying connected is crucial. Pick up a local SIM card upon arrival for affordable data plans.

The Remote Work Philippines Mindset

Now, the most important essential you can pack? The right attitude! If you don’t have the right attitude, you are likely to fail. Embrace the occasional internet hiccup, the unexpected downpour that throws your schedule off, and the friendly neighborhood rooster who seems to have a personal vendetta against sleep.

The Philippines is a land of “bahala na” (come what may). Learn to roll with the punches, and you’ll find yourself thriving in this beautiful, vibrant country.

I love it here in the Philippines as a digital nomad!

Please note that Nomad Insurance 2.0 and the $0 deductible policy is currently unavailable to U.S. residents. We are working on making it available to everyone soon.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links and the author may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Some parts were written with AI assistance.

