Why You Can’t Stop Checking Your Phone

The Psychology of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in the Digital Age

Lisa Buchanan


Have you ever felt a phantom vibration in your pocket? Meaning you could have sworn you felt your phone vibrate. I have and it’s a bit unnerving when you realize it didn’t ring and there were no notifications. Or have you glanced at your phone screen while in a deep conversation, just to make sure you weren’t missing something? If so, you’re not alone. In the age of hyper-connectivity, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has become a near-constant companion, fueled by the endless stream of notifications and curated perfection on our smartphones.

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What is FOMO?

FOMO can have a powerful grip on us! FOMO is the unsettling anxiety that we’re missing out on something exciting or important that’s happening elsewhere. It’s driven by two fundamental human needs: social connection and belonging. We evolved as social creatures, wired to seek approval and feel part of a tribe. In the past, this meant keeping tabs on our physical community.

Today, our digital communities have extended infinitely, creating a constant barrage of potential experiences we could be missing out on.



Lisa Buchanan
Lisa Buchanan

Written by Lisa Buchanan

I'm a digital nomad living n the Philippines. Check out my travel YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDnvxmdEc-kKvxXNYb6Oz1g

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